Saturday, February 27, 2010


Sometime I just feel I’m Selfish...Sometime I just feel I’m Stupid...Sometime I just feel I’m Sick...And sometime I feel I’m Simple...well...all those word comes from someone I care...someone I appreciate...someone who is really special to me...someone who I really cherish to be with...

I believe what the person had told me...I believe she wants me to be have my normal life be with my friends...and to less care her...Well do you think I can do that...??? I don’t know whether she understands my feeling and my crap thinking...but I hope it’s true that I’m making my own decision now...the decision that I hope will make things better...

To be honest...I know I have changed or perhaps getting worst...but I’m not changing to a person who forgets past and began with something new...something different...or perhaps something they think I don’t deserve to have...

Maybe what they say have its own truth...maybe they are right...maybe I should not have one...should not have something that not belongs to me forever...But...I don’t really know what to do...

Right now...I believe no one but someone I really trust...someone who I believe won’t let me down...and you know who is that...sometime you really give me guidance and advice which I never aspect...I want you to be honest...but I don’t deserve to order you...I’m no one but just a stupid guy who is uncertain with his own crap problem...Stupid just like you pronounce it...

I believe what I think all day long is not something I just simply think...all those thinking has its own root of problem...causes for me to think that...and it never related to you...I just see those things as real and serious...I take it serious...that’s all...I hope you won’t worry about me cause of these things...but I hope you will understand and perhaps just scold me if you can’t stand it...I really hope you will scold sounds funny but I need a lesson...~~~!!! Maybe I'm just not the one you expect I am...I'm weak... You wonder why I said’s all about myself... (STUPID PEOPLE)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Girl's Need Them...~~~!!!

Essential male friends…~~~!!!
Girls, read up and learn. Girl’s need them honestly…~~~

For me it is important to have a variety of friends throughout our lives…especially ones which we know we can go to when we need some advice or common sense…someone to hang out with and keep us company or to have a good flirt with.
Many women have their girlfriends as their confidents and close advisors, but some guys are just as good in what I say friend talk…Despite being let down some of the time by many of their fellow male friends…there are some guys that can make us feel great.

The adventurer

This is probably a guy that you could have met on a holiday or have known from school or college. In your mind, he is the memory maker. He is someone that makes fun and when you are around him, you know you will never be bored. He has fun ideas up in him to keep everyone entertained.
He will no doubt, push you out of your comfort zone, but you will afterwards appreciate it and learn that there is always time from wild exploits. This isn’t a guy that you will be able to turn down as he is always on the move.

The friend “with no” sexual tension

While you are obviously aware he is of the opposite sex, there is no chance of you jumping in to bed with him. Here’s hoping he feels the same way about you. If this is the case, then this is a measure of testosterone so straightforward and loyal, that nothing (apart from maybe a new girlfriend) will blemish it.
Most importantly, this male friend can strip away man-talk and give you the reality so-called male wisdom. He’s like a brother from another mother and a guy that you can jump into bed and watch a XXX film knowing that there won’t be any wandering hands.

The friend “with” sexual tension

You have wild fantasies about this guy and while you love to think about them, it is not something that you would act on. And that is a good thing as there is a valid reason why the two of you haven’t reached ‘that point of no return’. You know at the end of the day, that it isn’t a great idea and one that will ruin a perfectly good and fun friendship. Harmless in small doses.

The charmer

Flirting with someone, or having someone flirt with you is an instant pick-me-up and therefore, it is essential to have a male friend that is a smooth talker and charmer. We all have our off days and knowing that we have someone in our address book that gives out flirtatious and positive comments like nobody’s business, is great to have around.
A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone, especially when you know it isn’t going anywhere and it's just a bit of fun to have.

Valued friend

There are some guys that we meet and know are going to be great friends for a long time. So many people come in and out of our lives and it is sometimes hard to keep in touch with everyone. However, this person is someone who has added value to your life. He is the man with good values, disciplined and focus.
They are the type of men that make you realize your dreams in a positive way without soiling your hands or delving into immorality that there are good men out there that you can date... but not this one. He is there as a friend and advisor.

The totally honest guy

The thing is, with girls, they don’t always tell each other the whole honest truth when it comes to opinions on what they are wearing, other girls and of course, men. Girls, can of course, be a bit catty amongst one another and rivalry can be high, even with close friends. On the other hand, they can be tactful among one another so as not to hurt one another’s opinions: “that’s not weight you have put on, it’s just a bit of water retention.”
A guy can tell us straight without making us feel so offended. They are simple creatures and tell things how they are and how they see them, like: “Hmm, you’re looking a bit frumpy today” or “you know the guy you are dating is a freaking looseer” It’s not always what we want to hear, but a male friend like this is honest and straight to the point.
He is the gateway to how men see you ( THIS LOOKS LIKE ME Heeee… )

The gay friend

Gay guys are still guys, too. Same state of mind, just a mixture of girls-in-hot-tub and muscle-boys-on-sports-field. You get the idea, and thankfully, that aggression will never be directed toward you and you get the best of both worlds. These guys I mean gays are good in take care feeling’s to the limit…and they did that pretty sniftly…~~~!!!

Don’t You think I’m right…girls need them…and start searching now….Hahax…~~~

Friday, February 12, 2010

Do You Remember...~~~???

Maybe I have misunderstood...Maybe I'm Crazy...Maybe I'm Thinking Nonsense...Maybe I'm Sad...Maybe I've Done Wrong...Maybe I'm Sorry... ... ...
But now...I Want It Back...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


In the heart of the night when it's dark in the lights, I heard the loudest sound’s creepy...but its’s my own voice telling myself...I heard it every night ever since from that day...the day I made my mind...the day my heart is given to the DREAM I the destiny I the change I hoped so... ... ...
The sentence may make you surprise...what the HELL I am talking about... Actually I’m not so sure myself too...I don’t know why...Perhaps I THINKED a lot recently...thinking thought’s that makes no sense at all...thought’s that perhaps shouldn’t be a THOUGHT...
What you think about DREAMS...??? Some would say passing the day without doing nothing should be dreaming...Or...Passing a single day with bearing in mind that you must succeed the dream no matter what that really DREAM...???
According to Wikipedia...dream is defined as... A dream is a succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology.

Okay...we have the meaning of DREAM from a reliable source...but what you yourself thinks about dream’s...I never know what is oneirology and I’m not planning to study that but I have my own meaning for dream... Dream is something that you wanted the most...the something that you care most...the something you hoped most appearing without any less or more right into your own mind and thoughts and you hoped it will exist in the very in front of you...
Perhaps it will like what we say DREAM COME TRUE...but is it really true enough to be believed...??? True enough to rely...??? True enough to DREAM off...??? I would say...I don’t really know...
Some of my people say’s that I am dreaming all the time...perhaps yes...and perhaps it’s true... For me now which I realize few months ago...I realize I am DREAMING...
I don’t know whether that dream of mine should come true or just to stay as DREAM’S forever...I just can’t ignore this feeling...and I can’t resist it...maybe it’s just a feeling which I would have every time I UPSET...every time I don’t have somebody beside me...every time I have myself lonely in my own MIND...~~~!!! I don’t know whether it’s a good sign which can make me tougher...or just a bad sign which makes me weaker...For something that we want...we should go and get it without looking back...looking further and further by believing we will get that DREAMING...???
Thought I moved more than on...thought I am getting all right where I want to...but it’s like less something there...something that makes the whole thing not right...something that I don’t want...something that I remind myself every day before I sleep...Is what I’m doing is right...???
A lot of things happened recently...makes me weaker and weaker...makes me sad and forced me to give up...but I don’t think it’s the right thing to do... Why can’t I just nourish my dream...preserving it having it back to normal...back to what it was before...back to what I was dreaming before...??? I think it shouldn’t be a problem right... I LIKE what I have now...I know a lot of people isn’t so lucky as I am...there are more people who is unluckier...even more sad than I am...having their dark time and hoping it will go away soon...that’s what I mean it...I should HAPPY with what I have now...
Every single time I’m having this feeling...the feeling of disappointment...the feeling of loosing...the feeling of loneliness in my SOUL...I feel like a single bullet striking through me and I can’t stop bleeding... ... ...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is MERCURIAL STEAM V suitable for me...???

As a winger I need


As a winger I need


As a winger I need


As a winger I need


As a winger I need


As a winger I need



I need YOU

and I own You NOW...~~~!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why It Need To Happen NOW...~~~???

I still remember when I was form 2...I stayed back at school for Red House Training...My Brother did that too for his athletic...when my Dad fetching us home...suddenly my Dad noticed a small Kitten crossed the road in front our school...I was soooo shocked when I saw it was so small and it was so lucky my dad noticed it or else our car would run over it for sure...When I hold him for the 1st time...i feel his fur was so smooth and delicate like a Brother wants him so badly so my Dad at first was just planning to take him home and fed him and perhaps let him go that night...My mum saw him at home and was so shocked and scolded us for bringing stray cat to home...but after a while...I din expect that actually looks like he is good in taking people heart huh...My mum say his is CUTE...~~~!!!
6 years of life with him...I won’t forget that easily...he is so active and adorable...especially when he jumped into my bed whenever I wanted to sleep...he like dun allow me to what I do is sleep beside him...what’s next...he will take his sipek COOL eh nose and smell my ears...that really annoys me sometime...
When he was 3 year old...he fall down from our 4th dad was so scared that something bad happened to him...I don’t know why but what a miracle...he survived...back at the VET...i saw him struggle with pain when the Vet examined him for any fracture...I dropped my tears at that very moment...
But now...I don’t know how am I going to describe my’s like one can fill one can bring it back...I just hope he can find a better place some where there...You Are Free Now My Dear...~~~